Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My father’s best friend who is younger than him around 10 years accidentally fell down and passed away. What a shock and sad news for my family especially my father. When my father with his friendship can’t say is very “lou you” but he is the only friend my father close to.

Even I few this I called him “uncle”, his death really make me very sad. I am start worried about his wife, his children who are still 5 years old and 1 years old plus. How are them going to live without the protection and the care from a father. He just resigned his work and thinking of go back to his hometown so that can always stay with his family but… All the thing, happen is fate, unpredictable.
To my father and mother, I will more care you all, I will more love you all, I want make sure you all will always stay with me. I will go home more frequently to accompany you all as you all wished.

Dad, you don’t always working. Must always rest enough, I already work, you can no need work every day and no need to go outstation. You know every time you want go outstation in the night, I really don’t want you go. You will tire and not good for your health and mum has to be alone.

Mum, I like to quarrel with you in a proper way. I like to make joke with you. I know dad always didn’t accompany you to watch movie (just sleep beside you in front of TV). You always cook whatever I want to eat until dad also jealous your unfair treatment. I know you very love me and care me, I really know. I felt very blissful under the love from you all.

My sister and my brother, if can back home frequently. Take care whenever you all in. Remember, we are a family, whatever happen (happy or sad), our heart is combined. We will always stay together.

To my lovely Lim Hwa, whatever I felt (happy or sad), I also want to let you know. I don’t want to wait and wait and lastly have no chance to tell you what I felt when I am with you. I felt very xing fu when beside you. I felt miss you when u not beside me. I believed what u promise to me. (so hope you will realize your promise)

To my beloved friend, (Sayhun, Vnn Sin, Ah hui, Chiu Yi, Jia mey, Hie Ling), the time with you all, for me is really meaningful. The time in U, luckily have you all to cherish my boring study life.

I know Ah hui is very hard to survive without me this “coward” girl. Sayhun, you are most important to me, even you look like aunty but you helped me and teach me a lot of thing. Vnn Sin, very hard to imagine u this “aunty” in the house but “leng lui” outside the house. Thanks for sharing the happiness and sadness with me this 3 years. Wu gui, you are the friend make me quite worry because will be easily bullied by others and always can’t make the decision (Something your this pattern make people very irritating, try to be better, you have the qualification) Mui mui, you are the one I know much (I think, because I know u like to talk your heart word to me). Don’t put your eyes so high, can find a life partner isn’t a easy matter, maybe your fate not yet come. Don’t be sad if other say you aunty because we are “aunty” group. Hie Ling, even can’t always with you after I moved out but our friendship won’t fade out. You have accompanied me when I broke up with my boyfriend. Thanks.

To be continued…

Friday, June 11, 2010




不知最近是怎样的,总是梦见你,在梦里,都是你对我的不好,对我冷淡到极点,然而很高兴的是你在现实对我还不错。。。知道你最近很忙因为你的sms少了,有时真的感觉好寂寞哦,自己无所事事,你却忙得要死。。。好怀念以前的日子哦,喜欢喜欢就见,喜欢喜欢就sms… 这世界一直变,接受吧!!!


我知道自己傻傻笨笨,做什么东西都做不好,有时连我自己都很气自己哦。。。好害怕自己把公司的工作给搞扎哦。。。99.0 accuracy (Malaysia); 99.8 acccuracy (Hong Kong) 好恐怖哦!怕自己把公司的accuracy拉低。。。haiz~~~

Wednesday, June 2, 2010





Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Speechless Friends---I appreciate You All---Really



其实,一直以来我都把你当成我的聆听者,很好的聆听者。。。但你却迟迟都找不到自己的爱情...坦白说,你是一个不错的男人,专一,长情,作你的女友应该很幸福吧,可惜有人错过了...但有些却不珍惜...很对不起你哦,对于你和他的友情...我真的不想因为我让你们的友情搞成一团糟...可是你们的出发点都是保护我... 告诉我,我应该怎样做才能让你们做回朋友?!

真的很感激你们一直不离不弃的陪在我身边,尤其是那段期间...希望我们的友情能永恒不变...Thanks you~~~

Saturday, May 22, 2010

